SMCP: TP ICAP Midcap initiates buy coverage
( - TP ICAP Midcap announced on Thursday that it had initiated coverage of the SMCP ready-to-wear group's shares, with a buy recommendation and a price target of 5.
6 euros.
"The key to this case lies in clarifying the shareholder structure", the investment bank believes in a research note devoted to the owner of the Sandro, Maje, Claudie Pierlot and Fursac brands.
If this were the case, the speculative aspect of the case would be reinforced", adds the brokerage firm.
In the meantime, the 2026 plan could allow minority shareholders to wait and benefit from the turnaround in profitability, even if 2025 should remain a transitional year, emphasizes TP ICAP Midcap.
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